Real Estate

Corona showed us, only the people who can catch up with the time can be successful. Borders can be closed, the restrictions can lock people in their houses, but it will never stop the desire of buying and investing.

At this point 3D drone modeling stands in the breach of the real estate sector.

What can you do with a 3D Model?

  • You can create the digital twin for your object
  • The client can visit the digital twin of your object without being in the place, this saves time and money, especially in the time of Corona with travel restriction
  • The client will have the opportunity to see the whole area, including all trees, vineyards and driveways
  • The 3D model gives you the chance to make any kind of survey, measurements of the house and garden, roof inspection in regards of solar energy, digital terrain model
  • It is rescuing time and money for you and your client
  • The new technology on your homepage will draw attention of everyone!

Special offers for packages including pictures and videos of the object are available!